Saturday, March 12, 2011

Rafiki, Starshine, & Drums


Thursday I had the opportunity to visit the Rafiki Foundation in Tanzania. (Mom & I worked at the one in Kenya in 2009, if you want to learn about Rafiki go to This was such a great day! I was able to meet the sweetest family from Illinois who is the Director of this orphanage and was so friendly and welcoming. The kids were adorable, as always, and the facilities were beautiful. The kids that have the opportunity to go to Rafiki are so incredibly blessed. I will hopefully be able to return there a few times, I was even given the option to spend a weekend out there! I so badly needed this day on my own and in a Christian environment. Cute story of the day: As I was sitting at lunch, one of the little boys asked if I was married. I said, "no". He said, "why?" I said, "I'm still young." He said but you have a ring on your finger!!" What an observant little 6 year old, I didn't think it proper to explain to him it was my purity ring, but it sure did put a smile on my face. 

Rafiki at the base of Mt. Kili

The kinder classroom!
Friday, we had a total girls afternoon and it was WONDERFUL!! I went shopping for the first time since being here and started working on my gift list for the fam and some friends. I felt very successful and actually was able to get good deals. We then went to what we call "mzungu central" which is like a small outside mall with a movie theater and patio restaurant. They also have a grocery store which I cannot even explain to you. They had stuff I haven't seen in a month including macaroni and cheese, DR PEPPER (not even all the states have that and it's still cheaper than it is in the states.) The biggest selection of cheese ever (for africa). Brittany and I literally stood in front of the display for a good 2 minutes just staring and explained to the grocery stocker that we haven't seen this much cheese in over a month. Most of the time we are lucky if we find one brand of one type of badly packaged/exposed cheese. This place looked like HEB with cheese. Obviously, I was excited. We enjoyed taking the day to relax and sometimes it is just nice to go out and go shopping, right girls?? Also, one of my favorite moments of the day was with Kassey, our driver. He was taking us to the store and we were talking about how I must be lucky because we didn't get bribed by the police on the way to Rafiki. Then he said I am a little starshine. (We think it's equivalent to ray of sunshine). Cutest thing ever. He is about 60 and so funny. 

Today we made drums at Makumira (the place we have music class). It is made from cow hide and part of a tree trunk. We left the house this morning at 7 am and came back tonight at 7pm. We worked very tediously on our drums ALL day long and aren't finished, but close. Let me just say that my fingers are raw and I have a much deeper appreciation for every hand made drum out there. Today was extremely long and exhausting. My body hurts, but I am so incredibly thankful for this once in a lifetime opportunity. Fun fact: Every drum is supposed to have a secret inside that the drum maker placed inside to give it uniqueness. Sorry, but I can't tell you what mine is!! Also, we had the Yoda of African Ensemble help us make them. He blows my mind. He is probably around his mid 60s, has 7 kids between the ages of 40 and 10 and 7 grandkids. His son got married last month and his daughter is getting married in a few years. There is just something I like about the older generation. I can't put my finger on it, but my heart just automatically loves them. 
Moira's son! SO CUTE!!

about 11 AM

at the end of the day...

I am super tired and about to crash, but so ready for church in the morning! 

Missing y'all more each day.

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