Why Africa?

Most of the people who find out what I am passionate about or that I am spending 4 and a half months in East Africa ask me, "why Africa?" Or they flat out tell me I am crazy. Both make me chuckle just a bit.

I have been blessed with the opportunity to travel to many different countries for the purpose of sharing God's love with people around the world. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoyed my time there, but I did not fall in love with what I was doing, nor did I have a peace about it.

In 2008, I had the opportunity to work in a village outside Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa for 10 days in country. These 10 days, truthfully changed my heart.

I fell in love. I fell in love with the people, the need, the passion, the craving for Something Greater, the culture, and how the Lord was breaking my heart for these new friends. Sweat, tears, and blood were shed on that trip.

After coming home, I fell into a depression. As crazy as it sounds, my body just did not function. I became reclusive because I felt no one understood my heart and what I was feeling and my desire to go back. I decided the next time I come back, I will stay longer.

So God made my desire a reality. I was then blessed again to return to Kenya with my mom this time. We spent two weeks together in an orphanage in Nairobi where we taught and worked with the kids. I left her in Nairobi and travelled back to the village near Mombasa. I spent two weeks reuniting and building more relationships and sharing God's love and Christ death that brings redemption.

Coming home the second time was not as hard because I had a better idea of what to expect. Although, it was still difficult being away from this COMMUNITY I had been accepted into. Once again, I said if I ever come back, I will stay even longer.

Once I entered college, I knew I wanted to study abroad and I quickly decided I would be going back to Africa. Halfway through my freshman year, I began digging for study abroad programs in East Africa (I wanted to be in a Kiswahili culture). I finally found one I thought was a good match and went through the application process all summer and fall semester of sophomore year. This entire experience just proved that this was God's will for me as He worked out one thing after another in perfect timing, after I gave Him control of my plans.

February 2011, I returned to East Africa. This time I went to Arusha, Tanzania. I am spending 4 months in Tanzania, then 2 weeks back in the village in Kenya. I also had the opportunity to spend a few days in Kampala, Uganda where I was even still welcomed into their community.

The only word I can use to explain East Africa is community. The community here is unreal.

What do I mean by that? If you truly try to connect with the people, respect them, and show them you care, they welcome you. It is not just a "oh hi nice to meet you" but "Welcome to Africa! Can I give you my number so you can come to my house for food?" Yes, I know what you are thinking... that's a little sketchy. But no, here they truly mean it, with no negative intentions, only a welcoming heart. And yes, not everyone here is good and pure and anywhere you go, just as in the States, you have to be cautious.

If you are joining them in their home, they bring out their best. If they have one chair in the house, it is for you to sit on. One glass of water, it is for you to drink. They serve you first. Ensure you are comfortable. Ask questions to learn about where I come from and what I believe in. Then try to teach me  things the locals do and the most productive way to do work. They share with anyone, whether best friend, stranger, or enemy. I have been in many situations where I have been with people who do not have even one meal each day, but because I am there, offer their meal for that day to me. How heartbreaking? How humbling? It is indescribable.

I have no idea what the Lord holds for my future. I am patiently waiting (well, trying to at least) for the Lord to tell me what is next in my life, where I will go, what I will do after college, or even what continent I will live on. But I fully trust He will reveal His perfect plans for my life when HE is ready. And I have a peace about whatever these plans will be.

I rest fully assured that He has a purpose for me both in America and in Africa and I know with all my heart that I can serve Him just as well in the States as I can in Africa.

Many people also ask me why I am going to a different country and spending this money on airfare when people in the States need help. Yes, I agree. People in America also need help, need God, and need to be loved on. The difference I see though is the lack of resources available in Africa that are available in America. In the States, a person can walk down the street past churches and billboards that scream Jesus is Love. People in America, even in poverty have more than the Africans do. Our lower class has more money than most Africans, even the ones who live a "successful" life. Many people in Africa live in poverty, and I mean poverty. There are still many rural tribes who have never heard the name Jesus. Many people today still have to walk miles to fetch somewhat clean drinking water just to carry the 30 lbs bucket back all those miles to then boil and cool the water before being able to drink it. I could continue on this note, but I will stop here.

The Lord has chosen me, and placed a  deep love for the people and culture in my heart, so that is why I am going. I know this is the Lord's will for me, at least for right now.
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