Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blown Away by Kindness

I am just constantly moved by the kindness the people here have. They give up their chairs, give any visitor tea, treat me like I am their daughter, and take care of me. 

I am just so moved by their compassion and kindness. Today Skollar took my clothes off the line outside and brought them inside because it was going to rain and I was taking a nap. I woke up to thunder and ran outside to get my clothes only to find them all gone. I walked into one of the big rooms and there she was, laying them out so they could finish drying. I love these women. I truly feel blessed to have the opportunity to build a relationship with them. 

Tonight we are going to the circus and then at 3:30 AM tomorrow morning I will leave here to get on a plane and fly to Mombasa.

I can't wait!

And I got my first package today that was sent about a month and a half ago!! YAY!

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