Friday, February 4, 2011

I saw Mt. Kilimanjaro!


Great news, PRAISE THE LORD! Both of my bags came in tonight and my roommate did too! I am so excited! I feel like I can settle down now and make this house feel like my new home for the next 4 months. Today we had a very long day, filled with lectures and orientation material to help us adjust to the new environment we are in. Our house is very big, somewhat dormitory style. I believe there is a kitchen, living area, and there are 7 rooms with at least one bunkbed, a shower/toilet, closet, and a desk. We are the first people from the program to live in this new housing and we think it is wonderful. As I was driving to the airport tonight to get my bags, I was able to see Mt. Kilamanjaro for the first time. It's HUGE! Very very cool, I was really excited.
This is the view from our kitchen, I took it on my computer so it isn't the best picture, but more will come!

Well I could tell you every detail of my day, but I am exhausted and have another full day ahead of me tomorrow.
PS: sorry to make you jealous but the weather is wonderful! Cool evenings with warm and sunny days. Hope you are staying warm!

Lala salama, (good night/sweet dreams)
Joyfully His,

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