Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm ready!

People of my generation: do you remember watching Spongebob and his infamous saying, "I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready!"? Well, let me tell you, "I'M READY!!!"

After spending last night in a hotel (thanks mom & dad!) where I could have some space, peace and quiet, and listening to what the Lord has been whispering into my heart, I have come to a conclusion. 

I am ready to face the world. 

I am ready to put back on the armor of God. (Ephesians 6)

I am ready to stand up for what I believe in, if if that means being persecuted for it.

Why? Because God, the Lord Almighty, the Creator of the universe, Justifier of all, Supreme Commander, All Knowing, and the Looker-Outer for my needs is on my side, and as Romans 8:31 says, "If God is for us, who can be against us? (yes- I know Looker-Outer is not a real word)

So, I am ready to place each one of these essentials on my body. Because I know that I am not able to handle this on my own. So I am going to "take all the help [I] can get, every weapon God has issued, so when it's all over but the shouting, [I] will still be on my feet" (Ephesians 6:13 The Message)

I have the belt of truth firmly fastened around my waist. This belt was used to hold up his armor and keep the soldier's breastplate in place. Without this belt, everything would be dismantled.

The armor protecting my heart, and sensitive "underbelly" (if you will) is the breastplate of righteousness. The breast plate was used to cover the soldier from his neck to his thighs. This breastplate is lived out by living righteously, a constant struggle everyday. Thank you Lord for GRACE!!

My feet are ready to walk into battle with the gospel of peace fitting just perfectly on my two feet. Back in the Bible times, the soldiers had nails on the bottom of their shoes (like softball or golf or soccer cleats) which helped them stay firmly planted while they were in face to face combat. These shoes give me the peace and stability to stay in peace between God and myself.

And to block the blows, I have the shield of faith. What a promise!! The soldiers with the shields were on the front lines. They placed their shields together to form a protection for those who fired behind them. My faith and belief is something that I can turn in any direction, which will absorb and put out that fiery arrow.   

My head has been covered with a helmet of Salvation. And because of that salvation, my thoughts are based off the Lord and the Truth the Bible teaches me each and every day. Therefore, it protects against Satan's attacks of discouragement and doubt. I can reJOYce in the assurance I have in the Lord and that He is REAL, ALIVE, and Heaven is where I will spend eternity with my Best Friend.

Best of all, the ONLY weapon is my double edged sword-- the Bible! Through knowledge and keeping these words firmly planted in my heart, I have ultimate confidence in battle. 

I am praying, have been praying, and won't stop praying- not only for myself, but for those around me. "Pray hard and pray long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open and each other's spirits up so no one falls behind or drops out." (Ephesians 6:18 The Message) Just as Paul asked, I also ask of you: pray that any time I open my mouth, I am able to FEARLESSLY make known the mystery of the Bible.  I pray this same thing for each and every one of you. 


I am fully equipped.

1 comment:

  1. This is my Daughter and I am so very proud of her. What a delight to see the armor of God on her, each element and it's purpose. God's Word if more powerful each time we hear it and use it. We are praying for her and you daily.


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