Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I have just finished reading 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I strongly recommend it for a good read that brings about a new way of understanding joy and thanksgiving. Refer back to my post: "Kadzo" from March 26th. This thanks giving, yes, giving of thanks is what keeps me kicking and what keeps my heart on fire for the Lord. It's biblical. I am to give thanks in all time, all situations.  (1 Thes 5:18). I encourage you to do this. I encourage you to go as far as to write down the small things each day that you are thankful for, the things that bring Eucharisto.

A few of the things I am thankful for:
  1. red dirt / red muddy rivers
  2. elephants and giraffes on the road to Mombasa
  3. savoring each and every single Goldfish I eat, no more shoving 5 of them in my mouth at one time. (goldfish the snack cracker--not the fish)
  4. reusing plastic baggies as they are hard to come by
  5. thanks giving bringing joy
  6. support back home 
  7. friends who open homes and hearts in Kenya
  8. crickets chirping outside my window
  9. Mercy's sweet smile when she first sees me --this is such a blessing to me because two years ago she was so afraid of my mzungu skin.
  10. Anna Coupo's hand that never lets go and always want to be holding on to me
  11. community
  12. independence

I had the opportunity to return to Mombasa again on Thursday, just 3 days after I returned to Arusha. This time, I took 4 of my fellow classmates with me and it became more of a vacation than a weekend of working. I had the great  opportunity to take them to Mbewau and around the village of Mtepani. It brought me such joy to share something I am so passionate about with these new friends. I wish I could bring all of you here to meet these people I keep talking about and see their lives first hand.

sisters! Anna and Mercy
Chris and Lisa were absolutely wonderful and took us out to the village, showed us around, and took us to lunch. They even left a welcoming basket of fruit and goodies in our hotel (Milele Beach Hotel--nice, cheap, and on the North coast beach) when we arrived. I am so thankful for the homeliness they bring to my time here. I realized I explained all about REAL4Christ, but did not give the website--if you are interested in helping out (which I encourage). So click it: real4christ.com

HUGE PRAISE: do you remember the man who was attacked with a machete and stabbed? The Lord has been healing him, which I think is a huge miracle. He is saying words and back home. The doctor says "his brain still needs to be healed."

We spent an afternoon on the beach with the lowest tide I have ever seen. We met some men who had just come back from fishing and had an octopus they speared. It felt very slimy, squishy, and was very fluid like. We later went on a short glass bottom boat ride which we were able to see some coral and fish. The assisant captain dissappeared and came back with a sea anemone. I was a bit nervous as I held it in my hand and it crawled across my hand and his.
They were able to meet many of my friends there including Kristen, Chris & Lisa, and Simone. Megan's friend she worked with at camp, lives in Nairobi, came down to spend Saturday with us. He was a hoot, his name was Simba. Richard drove us all weekend and took us to his house to share coke with his family twice. I love his family dearly.

We also had another first time experience as we went to a movie theater in Mombasa. This was our first movie in Africa. The theater was NICE. Air conditioned, cushioned seats, huge screen, no power outages, and assigned seats. Yes, they assign seats as you purchase your ticket and have been known to come and check ticket stubs and seat numbers during the movie. It was an American drama movie, and we don't know if the movie itself was hilarious or the fact that it was our first major American influence in the last two months.

Being back in Arusha has been rough. While I have been in Kenya, I have been at total ease, I remember why I feel as though I could stay there forever. I am in a more comfortable environment, that is the bottom line. When I am there, I am surrounded by fellow believers and like minded people. I am being poured into and able to have in depth talks with people who understand where I am coming from and what I am saying because of my religious beliefs. I am in a completely different world here in Arusha. I am the only one from the southern US, the only one from Texas, the only Republican, the only supporter of Bush, the only one against Obama, and one of the only Christians. This has put a strain on my relationship with a lot of the people here because of our completely opposite views of life. I would greatly appreciate prayers for strength, endurance, and Christ like reactions. Through all of this, I am very thankful that God has put me into this position so that I can grow and forced to rely on Him for my daily joy if want to have peace.

I have a love-hate relationship with politics. Here is a very, very brief insight into my mind. I am truly afraid for our country and wish the government wasn't taking away the power of the people to make the country run off the government. Our founding fathers created this country to be run by the people and allow the people to make the choices. That ability sets America apart from all the other countries is slowly fading. I fear for the future of my family that is yet to come and the world in which they will grow up in... if Jesus doesn't come back by then! We are supposed to give the government the power, not the government giving us the power. We, as American citizens, are sovereign. Yes, we are the ultimate power. 10th Amendment states
The powers not delegated to the US by the Constituion, nor prohibited by the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the PEOPLE.
On that note, I fully believe people are responsible to work in order to provide for themselves. Not sit back and let other people do the work for them or allow our nation to go into more and more debt for their lack of work. God blesses work and encourages work. He encourages and blesses Job's work even though Job went through MAJOR hardships and setbacks (that's an understatement) but he still worked.
For He repays man according to his work, 
And makes man to find a reward according to his way. Job 34:11 (NKJV)
I would love to hear your opinion of my take on the future of America.

I am counting down the days till Mom and Dad arrive in Arusha. Only 8 days left!!! I am so incredibly excited and thankful. I will have about two full weeks to spend with them. This will be Dad's first true trip out of the country (not counting the a Caribbean cruise and Mexico mission trip)

sharing chai and bread in Jackson's family area
sweet mercy
typical home in this area (no windows)
Baby Lisa--Richard's daughter: she turned one on saturday. You wouldn't guess it but she was in the middle of crying

meet Winnie: She is 5 and in charge of her baby brother, ALL day long. She is one of our students.
LOW tide

Typical beach goods. These are laid out and put up each morning and night
Some ladies from Nairobi who wanted to be our friends
"Half fish -Half man" boat guide

Sushi girls night dinner!!

Old Town door

Richard and I

our lovely bus--what a ride! ($20 round trip)

1 comment:

  1. Cathy ~ I'll be praying for you. Remember that HE put you where you are for a reason. HE knows you'll be able to make an impact on those lives you touch, be it for a brief moment or forever. It's difficult and challenging to be around those who are the polar opposite of you, however it's helping you grow to understand others and learn to work together towards a common understanding/goal. It's very good to learn the perspectives of those who are different from you as you will both grow and evolve to understand one another on a deeper level. I know what you are going through, and it is challenging, however you have an amazing support system behind you so don't hesitate to reach out to any one of us at anytime. We all love you dearly and are here for you whenever.

    Send me your skype info, I'm on there too and would love to see your sweet face sometime. :)



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