Monday, January 31, 2011

1 More Day

Howdy! I honestly cannot believe I leave for Africa in one more day. I really do not think I comprehend the idea yet, I feel like I am just going back to College Station for a month or something, no big deal. But I need to snap out of it because it is a big deal! This last month has been crazy with so much to do, so many errands to run, so many people I wanted to see, and a vacation. There has been a lot of babysitting and quality time spent with my niece and nephew over the last month and I have loved every minute of it. I had the wonderful opportunity to go on a much needed relaxing vacation with Cody's family. It was so great: sun, food, reading, lots of reading, laughter, and new friends. It really was wonderful to just be able to relax and not have to worry about a thing.

The beautiful view we woke up to every morning
Me, Cody, The Scotts, Lee-Ann & Ian (first mate & captain)
Cody came back to San Antonio with me and we had some great family time with my family and a few campers soccer game. Then he headed back to Dallas and I went up to College Station to see everyone one last time before next Fall. I continue to thank God for the friends he has provided me with, I am blown away with how much they love me. Good news: we signed our lease for our house next year!! YAY! We could not be more excited. Loriann cooked a fabulous dinner for us. Lolo- i think your chicken pesto is probably my favorite meal you cook. Then we spent the night house hopping and seeing some people. I spent the next day doing pretty much the same thing. I truly am blown away by the encouragement and support I have from my friends. So if you are one of the people I am talking about, thank you!

It has been so great to be home with my family these last few days. My sister and I went on a date with our dad to the Spurs game the other night which was a lot of fun and some great quality time for the three of us.

I found out who my roommate is for Tanzania and am so excited! She is from PA and worked at a summer camp and is on fire for the Lord which is so encouraging to me. There will be a few of us on the same flights which is great for making traveling a little less stressful and letting the fun begin a little sooner. We have had the opportunity to chat with each other as a group over facebook and I am SO excited to meet these great people I will be living with for the next 4 months!

If you would, please be in prayer over:
-my health- I came down with a cold or sinus infection and need it to be completely gone for the flights so I am not in horrible pain due to the change in pressure.
-flights- a big winter storm is supposed to be hitting Detroit, one of our layover cities- pray for no delays and easy connections
- for the Lord to continue to mold my heart to what He wants and ready it for what is to come
- for my family as I know my leaving is tough on them

I will start posting more once I am in country!

Joyfully His,

PS: feel free to comment- you don't have to be signed in or have a gmail account!

1 comment:

  1. I miss cooking for you BFF!!! Love you and missing you!


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